Last Updated on Jan 15, 2023
Final Fantasy VI is the sixth in the long running Final Fantasy series. In this post I will share some insights.
- When you are about to leave Zozo you are asked to make a party of four. Celes and Locke are preselected. Don’t remove either of them. If you do, you can’t re-add them and you definitely can’t compete the Opera House scene without one of them. If you did, fear not, you can get them back without redoing the whole Zozo scene. You just have to trudge your way back to Narshe and speak to any of your cohorts in the building on the east side of town.
- To unequip an esper, you need to select an empty slot under the espers list on the esper selection screen.
- If you want to see what an item in a shop does, you have to have enough GP to buy it so you can select it to pull up the details.
- You only need one each of Edgar’s “Tools” items.
- Cmd.Set Short allows you to rearrange your battle command menus and changes the orientation of the items therein (they’re fanned out). If you change it back to “Window,” your custom arrangement will be saved, but you will revert to the default stacked list. Each character has his/her own list. Edit: The order reverts after reloading the save file.
- Memo is a temporary save slot that gets deleted when you power off your PlayStation or quit the game.
- Soft reset: hold down L1, L2, R1, R2, Start, and Select. You will lose all unsaved progress.
* Notice: The above apples to the PlayStation “Anthology” version (digital and disk).