
All posts by egingell

Tasker Variables



A variable is a named value which changes over time e.g. the level of the battery, the time of day.

When Tasker encounters a variable name in a text, it replaces the name with the current value of the relevant variable before carrying out the action.

The main purposes of variables are:

dynamic binding: doing something with an action with data which

is unknown when the task is created e.g. respond to an SMS; the sender is not known until the SMS is received.

allow flow control within and between tasks

record data for some future use e.g. passing data between tasks

Global vs. Local Variables

Variables which have an all-lower-case name (e.g. %fruit_bar) are local, meaning that their value is specific to the task or scene in which they are used.

Variables which have one or more capital letters in their name (e.g. %Car, %WIFI) are global, meaning that wherever they are accessed from the same value is returned.

Built-In Variables

The values of built-In variables are updated automatically by Tasker.

Local Built-In Variables

Action Error
Is set to an integer if an error occurred when running the last action. The actual number can signify the error which occurred, but is usually 1 for most Tasker actions (notable exception: Run Shell and plugins). Every action sets or clears it, so it must be saved (e.g. with Variable Set) if it will be needed later than in the immediate next action.

Action Error Description
A description of the error which last resulted in %err being set. Currently never set by Tasker but possibly by some plugin actions.

Task Priority
The priority of the running task. The priority determines which task executes its next action when several tasks are running together.
See also: Task Scheduling

Task Queue Time
How long (seconds) the running task has been running.
Note that tasks can be interrupted by higher priority tasks, so this number is not necessarily the total run-time of the task.

Task Caller
A variable array tracing the origin of the current running task. %caller1 gives the origin of the current task, %caller2 the origin of %caller1 etc.

Example: if task A uses action Perform Task to start task B, then when task A is run by pressing the Play button in the task edit screen, %caller1 in task B will show task=A, %caller2 will show ui.

The format of each entry in the array is callertype(=callername(:subcallername))

Caller types ares detailed below:

a profile (when it’s state changes). callername is either enter or exit depending on whether the profile activated or deactivated. subcallername is the name of the profile, if it has one, otherwise anon

a scene event, with callername being the scene name. For element events, subcallername is the element name. For action bar button presses, subcallername is the label if one was given. For scene-global events (e.g. Key), subcallername is event type

the Play button in the task edit screen in the Tasker UI

clicking a child application icon in the launcher

a notification action button, either from Tasker’s permanent notification or one created with one of the Notify actions. callername specifies the label of the button if present.

an external application

a Quick Settings tile. callername specifies the label of the tile.

an app shortcut (accessed via long-click on the Tasker icon). callername specifies the label of the tile.

another task, from a Perform Task action. subcallername is the task name, if it has one, otherwise anon

the power menu on Android 11+.

Global Built-In Variables

Airplane Mode Status(dynamic)
Whether Airplane Mode is on or off

Airplane Radios
A comma-separated list of the radios which will be disabled when entering Airplane Mode.
Common radio names are: bluetooth, cell, nfc, wifi, wimax.

Battery Level
Current device battery level from 0-100.

Bluetooth Status (dynamic)
Whether Bluetooth is on or in some other state (off).

Calendar List
Newline-separated list of calendars available on the device.
Each entry is in the format calendarprovider:calendarname.
Example usage: Variable Set, %newline, \n Variable Split, %CALS, %newline Flash, %CALS(#) calendars, first one is %CALS(1)For the sign \n, press carriage-return on the keyboard.

Calendar Event Title / Descr / Location %CALTITLE / %CALDESCR / %CALLOC
The title, description and location of the current calendar event, if there is one. If there are multiple current calendar events the variables refer to the shortest.
Tip: find other details about the current event(s) using the Misc / Test action, specifying %TIMES for the data.

Call Name / Number/ Date / Time (In) (dynamic, monitored)
The caller name, number, date and time of the current (if a call is in progress) or last call received.
Caller number is 0 if it’s unknown.
Caller name is ? if it’s unknown (probably because the caller number was blocked) and set to the caller number if the contact couldn’t be looked up. It’s unavailable on Android versions prior to 2.0.

Call Name / Number/ Date / Time / Duration (Out)(dynamic, monitored)
The called name, number, date and time of the last (not the current) outgoing call made.
Called Name is set to the called number if the contact couldn’t be looked up. It’s unavailable on Android versions prior to 2.0.

Cell ID (monitored,dynamic)
The current cell tower ID if known.
If you are using a Cell Near state, note that sometimes the Cell Near state will stay active even though %CELLID reports that the tower ID is unknown or invalid; that is because Cell Near only responds to valid IDs to prevent the state becoming inactive e.g. due to a service interruption.
For backwards compatibility, UMTS cells are reported with a GSM prefix.
From Android 4.2, Tasker version 4.3+, cells could be found from 2 different network types simultaneously. In that case, the value is reported with preference for the network type leftmost on the list: GSM, CDMA, UMTS, LTE.

Cell Signal Strength (monitored,dynamic)
The current phone signal level from 0-8 inclusive on a rougly linear scale. On some phones, the level will rise in steps of 2 (0,2,4,6,8). The value is -1 if the value is unknown or there is e.g. no service.
From Android 4.2, Tasker version 4.3+, cells could be found from 2 different network types simultaneously. In that case, the value is reported with preference for the network type leftmost on the list: GSM, CDMA, UMTS, LTE.
There is a bug with some Android versions that the reported signal strength is not updated until the device is turned off and on.

Cell Service State (monitored,dynamic)
The current phone service state. One of unknown, service, noservice, emergency, nopower.

Clipboard Contents(monitored,dynamic) %CLIP
The current contents of the system clipboard. Please note that the clipboard can’t be accessed while the device’s screen is securely locked.

CPU Frequency
The current frequency CPU 0 is running at. See also: CPU Control.

CPU Governor
The current governor controlling the frequency of CPU 0. See also: CPU Control.

Current human-readable date.

Day of the Month
Current Day of the Month, starting at 1.

Day of the Week
Current Day of the Week starting with Sunday.

Device ID / Manufacturer / Model / Product
The ID, manufacturer, model and product name of the device.
Note: ID is not a unique identifier for the device, but rather for the hardware of the device. See also: %DEVTID.

Device Telephony ID
Returns the unique telephony-based ID for the device (e.g. for GSM the IMEI, for CDMA the MEID or ESN).
Not available on all devices.

Display Brightness %BRIGHT
Current screen brightness, 0-255. On some devices, if the Android setting Auto Brightness is enabled, the value will always be 255.

Display Timeout %DTOUT
Current system screen timeout (seconds).

Email From / Cc / Subject / Date / Time (dynamic)
The From, Cc, Subject, Received Date and Received Time of the last email received by the K9 email agent.

Free Memory
System free memory remaining in MB.

GPS Status
(monitored,dynamic Gingerbread+) %GPS
Whether the system GPS receiver is on or off.

Heart Rate (monitored,dynamic)
The current detected heart rate in beats per minute.
See also: state Heart Rate.
The value will be negative for no contact (-1), accuracy unreliable (-2) or some other problem (-3)

HTTP Response Code / Data / Content Length(dynamic) %HTTPR / %HTTPD / %HTTPL
Values from the last HTTP POST/GET action.
If the server doesn’t return a content length, %HTTPL will be calculated from the returned data where possible.

Humidity (monitored,dynamic)
The relative ambient air humidity in percent.
See also: state Humidity.

Input Method
The current active input method. Consists of 4 parts separated by commas: Method Name, SubType Name, Mode, Locale.
To access particular parts, use the Variable Split action.

Interrupt Mode (dynamic)
Only available on Android 5.0+, requires Tasker’s notification access service to be enabled, see Android’s Sound & Notification settings.

Android 5.0+: the current state of interruptions mode on the device: none, priority or all
See Also: action Interrupt Mode

Android 6.0+: the current state of Do Not Disturb mode on the device: none, priority, all or alarms
See Also: action Do Not Disturb

Keyguard Status
Whether the Keyguard is on or off

Last Application
The name of the application that was in the foreground before the current one e.g. Maps.

Last Photo
The filesystem path to the last photo taken by Tasker or the standard system camera application.

Light Level (monitored,dynamic)
The last recorded light level in lux.
Note that Android does not return a value until the light level changes, so to test the sensor is working you should put it near a bright light initially.
May not change when the device display is off, see Menu / Prefs / More / Display Off Monitoring / Light Sensor.

Location (dynamic)
The latitude and longitude of the last GPS fix.
See note.

Location Accuracy (dynamic)
The accuracy in metres of the last GPS fix.
See note.

Location Altitude (dynamic)
The altitude in metres of the last GPS fix, or 0 if unavailable.
See note.

Location Speed (dynamic)
The speed in metres/second at the last GPS position fix or 0 if unavailable.
See note.

Location Fix Time Seconds (dynamic)
The time in seconds of the last GPS fix. To get age of fix, take this away from %TIMES.
This value is not set until an offset of the GPS time from the fixed time has been calculated (should be after the first GPS fix) because the value is meaningless until that point.
See note.

Location (Net) (dynamic)
The latitude and longitude of the last network location fix.
See note.

Location Accuracy (Net) (dynamic)
The accuracy in metres of the last network location fix.
See note.

Location Fix Time (Net) (dynamic)
The time in seconds of the last net location fix. To get age of fix, take this away from %TIMES.
See note.

Magnetic Field Strength (monitored,dynamic)
The total magnitudes in micro-Teslas of the magnetic fields acting on all three axis of the devices sensor.
Updated once per second.
See Also: state Magnetic Field.

Music Track (monitored,dynamic)
The current playing music track, supported for:

Tasker actions Music Play and Music Play Dir

Built-in Android music-player, probably not on all devices however

Power AMP

BeyondPod (Tasker v1.2.1+)

Phantom Music Control Pro

Media Utilities

Priority: if both Tasker and one of the other supported apps are playing simultaneously, the non-Tasker track will be shown. If more than one of the other supported apps is playing simultaneuosly, behaviour is unspecified.

if you don’t have a supported player, you could try Phantom Music Control Pro or Media Utilities, which support a lot of players and should pass the info on to Tasker

pausing a track clears the variable, unpausing sets it again

your music player may need an option enabled in order to broadcast the track information, or the broadcast may only be available in a ‘pro’ version

Whether the microphone is currently muted (on) or not (off).

Night Mode
The current Android Night Mode.
One of on, off or auto.
If auto, Android will decide whether it should be in Night Mode itself.

Notification Title (monitored, dynamic)
The title of the last notification shown in the status bar. Prior to KitKat, requires Tasker’s accessibility server to be running (see Android Accessibility Settings). From KitKat, requires Tasker’s Notification Listener service to be running instead.
In a task running as a result of a Notification or Notification Removed event, use variable %evtprm2 instead of %NTITLE. This is much more reliable and you have access to other parts of the notification (%evtprm3 etc)
Notifications generated by Tasker are not shown.

Phone Number
The current phone number of the device, if it’s in service.
On some phones it doesn’t work (Android limitation), seems related to the type of SIM.

Pressure (monitored,dynamic)
The current air pressure on the device in millibars.
May not change when the device display is off, see Menu / Prefs / Monitor / Display Off Monitoring / Pressure Sensor.

Profiles Active (dynamic)
A comma-separated list of the currently active, named profiles in activation order. Duplicate names will appear on the list only once. The list always starts and ends with a comma to make matching easier, if it’s not empty.

Profiles Enabled (dynamic)
A comma-separated list of the currently enabled, named profiles in creation order. Duplicate names will appear on the list only once. The list always starts and ends with a comma to make matching easier, if it’s not empty.

on if device is roaming on the current telephone network, otherwise off.

Root Available
yes if root functions are available on this device, otherwise no.

Screen (dynamic)
Whether the screen is on (value on) or off (value off).

SDK Version
The numeric Android SDK version of the device.

Silent Mode (dynamic)
The current state of silent mode: off, vibrate or on.
From Android 5.0+ this variable is intended to only reflect whether the device is in vibrate mode (vibrate) or not (any other value), but the on value is included for backwards compatibility and set when the device is not in vibrate mode and the interrupt mode is none or priority.
See Also: variable all, actions Silent Mode and Interrupt Mode.

SIM Serial Number
The serial number of the SIM card, if one is present and accessible.
If the SIM has not been unlocked it will not be available.

SIM State
The current state of the SIM card.
One of unknown, absent, pinrequired, pukrequired, netlocked or ready.

Whether the speakerphone is on or off

Speech (dynamic)
The current utterance as a result of a Say or Say File action, if applicable.

Tasks Running (dynamic)
A comma-separated list of any named tasks which are currently running. The list always starts and ends with a comma to make matching easier, if it’s not empty.

Telephone Network (dynamic, monitored)
The current telephony network operator the device is using.
May be unreliable on CDMA networks

Temperature (monitored,dynamic)
The current ambient temperature in degrees Celsius.
May not change when the device display is off, see Menu / Prefs / Monitor / Display Off Monitoring / Temp. Sensor.
See also: state Temperature.

Text From/Date/Subject/Time (monitored)
The sender address, name, body, subject, date and time of the last text (SMS or MMS) received.
These variables will be empty until the first time a text is received after they have been referenced because Tasker does not monitor texts unless it’s needed.
Name is set to sender address of no contact could be looked up. It’s unavailable on Android versions prior to 2.0.
Body (%SMSRB) is only set for SMSs.
Subject (%MMSRS) is only set for MMSs.

Current human-readable time separated by a period e.g. 10.59

Tether (dynamic)
A comma-separated list of enabled tethering forms i.e. connections over which another device can connect to this one in order to use its internet connection.
The possible forms are wifi, usb or bt.
BT will only be present when an actual client is connected via BT for using the devices network connection, whereas the others will be present as soon as the functionality is enabled (Android bug/limitation).

Time MilliSeconds
The current time in milliseconds.
(milliseconds since some time in January, 1970, if you must know).

Time Seconds
The current time in seconds.
(seconds since some time in January, 1970, if you must know).

UI Mode (monitored,dynamic)
The current Android UI mode.
One of car, desk, appliance, tv (television), watch, undef (undefined) or normal.

Uptime Seconds
The number of seconds since the device last booted.

Volume – Alarm/Call/DTMF/Media/Notification/Ringer/System (dynamic)
Current audio channel volume level.
On some devices, volume changes are not picked up dynamically, on others not when using the phone app.

WiFi Info
When connected to an Access Point (AP), shows human-readable data about the AP. When not connected, show details of the most recent Wifi scan results for nearby APs.
On Android 8.1+, may require basic location services to be enabled in Android settings.

WiFi Status (dynamic)
Whether WiFi is on or off. Note: if WiFi is enabling or disabled, in fact anything but enabled, it’s classed as off.

Wimax Status
Whether Wimax is on or off. Note: if Wimax is enabling or disabled, in fact anything but enabled, it’s classed as off.

Window Label (monitored,dynamic)
The label of the current window, which could be a full-screen activity or a dialog.
Not set if the label is unknown.
For some windows, the label might be that of the first item in the window e.g. a menu entry or even a button.

General Notes

Variables marked dynamic in the list above trigger changes in Variable Value states and Variable Set events whenever their value changes.

Variables marked monitored will cause the relevant monitor to startup to track their state when they are used in contexts or tasks which are used by widgets or enabled profiles. For instance, GSM:39179.115461560 used in a Flash action will cause cell location to be tracked.

Limitation: monitored variables cannot be detected in anonymous shortcuts.

Note On Location Variables

When the relevant provider (Net or GPS) of a location context is active, these variables report the values from the provider, which may be more recent than Tasker has seen if other applications are asking for location.

When the relevant provider is not active, these variables report the last values seen by Tasker, which could be the result of a Get Location action or of monitoring for a Location Context.

That means the the reported fix times could go backwards, if you turn off the location provider between two uses of the variables.

Location variables can also be manually updated by running the Get Location action.

User Variables

The action Variable Set (and several others) can be used to create new variables. Variable names have the following restrictions:

they must start with the % character

they are case-sensitive

then must at least a further 3 alphanumeric characters

they can also contain the underscore character (_) but not start or end with it

In general, it’s best to use local variables wherever possible because:

you know they won’t be interfered with by other tasks or scenes

they are more efficient in several ways

Note: multiple copies of the same task running at the same time each have their own separate copy of their local variables.

Scene-Local Variables

Each scene has its own set of local variables which it shares with the task that created it; both the scene and task see changes to the variables made by either.

Any task which starts as a result of a scene event (e.g. a tap on an element) also shares the variables of the scene (and thus of the original task which created the scene).

As a consequence, a task started by a scene event (e.g. Tap on an element) which shows a new scene e.g. via the Show Scene action, will result in the second scene sharing the variables of the first scene.

When a task shows a scene that was created by a different task (or a different copy of the same task) and subsequently hidden, the task’s variables are copied to the scene variables (overriding values of variables which already exist) but the task does not share the scene variables and cannot see changes to them.

Escaping Variable Names

If you want to prevent a variable name being replaced, put a \ in front of it e.g.

Variable Set, %new, \%old

Will set the value of %new to %old, not the value of %old.

In order to precede a variable name with a \ you can escape the backslash e.g.

Variable Set, %new, \%old

Will set the value of %new to \ followed by the value of %old.

Variable References

It’s possible to indirectly refer to variables by preceeding one or more extra % signs to the start of the variable name. For example:

Variable Set, %colour, red
Variable Set, %varname, colour
Flash %%varname

… will flash red.

Using this notation it’s possible to assign variables whose name is not known beforehand:

Read File, variablename.txt, To Var, %varname
Variable Set, %%varname, red

This will set the variable whose name is stored in the file variablename.txt to red.

You can nest references as deeply as you like (e.g. %%%%var) but mental stress and bugs are sure to follow.

If any part of the chain has an invalid variable name then the original reference will be returned. In the first example, if %varname is set to !!!, then %%varname will be flashed instead of red.

Variable Lifetime

The value a global variable holds lasts until Tasker is uninstalled if it is not changed by any task.

Local variables are lost at the end of the task they were created in, or when the parent scene is destroyed in the case of tasks called from scenes.

Uninitialized Variables

User-variables which have not had a value assigned do not have replacements carried out e.g. in the expression I love %fruit, if %fruit is uninitialized, the expression remains as it is, otherwise %fruit is replaced with the value.

Exception: uninitialized variables used in mathematical expressions are replaced with 0.

Variables In Plugins

Plugin developers can tell Tasker to replace variables it finds in plugin strings with their current Tasker value. If you have a plugin which doesn’t support this, send the developer this URL

which has the relevant details.

Variable Arrays

Tasker supports pseudo-arrays.

They are especially useful when used with the For action, since you can perform a set of actions on each element in turn e.g. list a set of files then test each one.


If the four variables %arr1, %arr2, %arr3, %arr4 hold respectively alpha,beta,cat and dog then we have an array with 4 elements. These variables can be used just like any other, however it is also possible to access them in special ways. Here are some examples:

The number of defined array elements (4 in this case)

The index of the first defined array element, or 0 if none are defined (1).

The index of the last defined array element, or 0 if none are defined (4)

A comma-separated list of the array indices (lowest to highest) with matching values, or 0 if none match (2,3 in the example)

%arr(#?~Rregex here)
Same as above but with regex matching

The contents of the first defined array element (alpha)

The contents of the last defined array element (dog)

%arr() or %arr(:)
All of the array elements separated by commas (alpha,beta,cat,dog)

%arr(2) or just %arr2
The content of the element with index 2 (beta)

Contents of defined elements with indices 2 to 4 (beta,cat,dog)

All the defined elements with indices up to 3 (alpha,beta,cat)

All the defined elements with indices starting from 3 (cat,dog)

All the defined elements with indices from 1 to 2 (alpha,beta)

All of the array elements separated with a character other than a comma, as definited after the + sign. (alpha=beta=cat=dog)

Contents of defined elements in an array function separated by a character other than a comma, as defined between the + signs. Example %arr2>%arr3>%arr4 returns (beta>cat>dog)

All of the array element values that match the pattern specificed in search, Example: 0 will return all array values that contain dog anywhere in the value.

%arr($?~Rregex here)
Same as above but with regex matching


arrays will virtually always have all their elements defined so e.g. %arr(>) will be the same as %arr(1), %arr(#) will be the same as %arr(#<)

index specifiers can themselves be variables (e.g. %arr(1:\%MAX) or %arr(#?\%FINDME)) but not variable arrays

Creating An Array

using Array Set:
Array Set, %arr, a b c d

using Variable Split on an existing (simple) variable:
Variable Set %arr a b c d
Variable Split %arr

by assigning individual elements with Variable Set:
Variable Set, %arr3, c.

using Array Push to add an initial element

some other actions also create arrays for their results e.g. List Files.

Inserting Elements

Use the Array Push action.

The Fill Spaces parameter might need more explanation. It is only relevant if one or more of the array elements are undefined. As an example, if we have the array elements %arr1 and %arr3 containing apple and banana:

Array Push %arr1, 1, pear
leaves %arr1, %arr2 and %arr4 containing pear, apple and banana.

but Array Push %arr2, 1, pear, Fill Spaces
leaves %arr1, %arr2 and %arr3 containing pear, apple and banana.

Removing Elements

Use the Array Pop action. Note the difference between Array Pop and Variable Clear: Pop reduces the number of elements in the array, while Clear merely changes elements to undefined.

Example: if we have the array elements %arr1, %arr2, %arr3 containing apple,pear and banana:

Variable Clear %arr2
leaves %arr1 and %arr3 containing apple and banana.

but Array Pop %arr2
leaves %arr1 and %arr2 containing apple and banana.

Deleting An Array

Use Array Clear.

In most cases you could also use Variable Clear %arr* with Pattern Matching checked, but that would also delete variables called e.g. %arrTOODEETOO so Array Clear is safer.


The Array Process action offers various sorting options, amongst other things.

Array Efficiency

Arrays are intended for convenience when processing high-level data, not for e.g. processing astronomical data. Doing thousands of array actions will likely take several seconds (although mostly due to the housekeeping work done by Tasker in-between each action rather than due to the array operations themselves).

In terms of storage efficiency, they are also fairly hopeless. You probably do not want to store tens of thousands of items in an array.

Structured Variables

Starting in version 5.12 Tasker can read some types of structured text (like JSON or HTML) directly.

To be able to read these structures the Structured Output option in the action that created the variable (eg. Variable Set, HTTP Request, etc) has to be enabled. For ease of use, the option is enabled by default

It’s very, very unlikely that leaving this option enabled, even for variables that don’t contain structured text, will create any issues because if Tasker finds that the text doesn’t conform to any known structure it won’t try to read the structure anyway. This option is just a precaution to make sure that no existing setup would be broken by the update

Check below to find out how to read the supported structure types.

JSON Reading

Consider the following JSON stucture:

{ “names”:[ { “name”:”João”, “lastname”:”Dias” }, { “name”:”John”, “lastname”:”Days”, “age”: 99 } ] }

Starting in version 5.12 Tasker can read the values directly. You can either use the dot or square bracket notations as shown below (consider there’s a variable named %json with the above text). or %json[name] or will return the first name which is João or %jsonname will return a comma separated list of names: João,John


Using just the key (like name in the above example) will get the first value for that key, no matter how deep it is in the structure. If you want to get a value for a specific full path, use as shown above. Note: If you use the Set Variable Structure Type action to set the type of the variable specificly to JSON you can prevent this smart search feature and have Tasker always interpret the key as a full path key.

If you use a single key (eg when reading JSON, smart search is assumed, meaning it’ll look anywhere in the JSON structure for that key and return its value. If you use 2 or more keys (eg. or %json.some.very.deep.path) you always have to use the full path to the key you want to read. No special smart search will performed at all when using more than 1 key.

You can use the special =:=root=:= key to read the root element of a JSON structure. For example, to get a Tasker array from a JSON array stored in the %json_array variable you would use %json_array[=:=root=:=]()

Getting arrays will get all values with matching keys or paths. The full structure of the JSON obect is not taken into consideration. In the above example %json.age() would get just 99 for example.

You can’t use invalid local Tasker variable name characters if you use the dot notation. For example, if you need to read a JSON value with the key some thing (notice the space) you have to use the square bracket notation. The same applies for upper-case JSON fields. For example, you have to use %json[SomeField] to read the SomeField JSON value.

You can use any Tasker array features on these. For example, you can use<) to get the last name of the above structure.

If you plan to use these in the List Dialog action as an input of the Items field use directly, and not, since the latter will produce a comma separated list which will conflict with your data if it already contains commas.

HTML/XML Reading

Consider the following HTML stucture:

Test HTML For Tasker


How are you?

I’m fine!

Starting in version 5.12 Tasker can read the values directly. You can either use the dot or square bracket notations as shown below (consider there’s a variable named %html with the above text).

%html.div or %html[div] will return the first div’s content which is How are you?

%html.div() or %html[div]() will return a comma separated list of div contents: How are you?,I’m fine!

%html[img=:=src] will return the first img’s src attribute image.jpg. You can use the =:= notation to retrieve any element’s attributes as shown.


If you want to use an attribute matching CSS query like [attr=value] use curly braces instead of square brackets, eg {attr=value}. For example, to query a div where attribute sr=1 you should use something like %html[div{sr=1}].

If you want to use a CSS query that uses parenthesis like div:nth-child(2) use «» instead of parenthesis, eg div:nth-child«2»

HTML/XML reading doesn’t support nested reading in the same expression, so something like %html.query1.query2 will not work. Use a CSS query like query1>query2 instead to get inner fields.

You can try out your CSS queries here.

CSV Reading

Consider the following CSV stucture:

name,age,town Jack,41,London Lindsey,12,New York Eddie,54,Lisbon

Starting in version 5.12 Tasker can read the values directly. You can either use the dot or square bracket notations as shown below (consider there’s a variable named %csv with the above text). or %csv[name] or will return the first name which is Jack or %csvname will return a comma separated list of names: Jack,Lindsey,Eddit


You can’t use invalid Tasker variable name characters if you use the dot notation. For example, if you need to read a CSV value with the key some thing (notice the space) you have to use the square bracket notation.

You can use any Tasker array features on these. For example, you can use<) to get the last name of the above structure.

If you plan to use these in the List Dialog action as an input of the Items field use directly, and not, since the latter will produce a comma separated list which will conflict with your data if it already contains commas.

Simpsons Survey

The Simpsons Tapped Out Suggestions

Suggestions List

I’d like two of my accounts merged.

<CS Mayank>  
Thank you for contacting EA Help. My name is Mayank and I would assist you today with your concern
Please do not worry about it, we will try our best to help you with this issue.  
kindly provide your username and email address so that we can locate the account
Also, if you have any further questions regarding this or any other issues, d please do not hesitate to let us know. You can also find answers to common questions on our Help Center at , or ask our community experts by visiting Answer HQ at   Thanks again for contacting EA Help.

The accounts I want to merge are redacted (redacted) (the new account) and redacted (redacted) (the old account). I want the stuff from redacted to be the account receiving the goods from redacted (ie redacted is the destination account). I don’t know how this merging thing works. If I have to blow up both of them, so be it.

<CS Viola>  
Thank you for reaching out to EA help!

My name is Viola and I will be assisting you today.

I would like thank you for taking your time to share your concern with us.

I understand that you are having a concern regarding The Merging of the account.

Please be rest assured we will do our best to help you with your concern.

Just so you know, all EA account are lock due to security reasons and we need to verify them to proceed further.

Also thank you for confirming your email and EA ID we have successfully located your account and sent you a 6 digit verification code in your email please check your inbox and your spam folder.

Awaiting your response.

Should you need any further assistance you can contact us through our live chat channel and select the option as live chat.

Thank you for contacting EA Help!

Have a great day.

The code you sent to redacted is redacted.

Did you also send one to redacted? If you did, I didn’t receive it.

<CS Manish>  
Hi there,  
Thank you for reaching out to EA help!  
My name is Manish and I will be assisting you today.

I would like thank you for taking your time to share your concern with us.  
I understand your concern.


n order to merge your EA Accounts, I’ll need to remove your games from the old EA Account so we can add them to the primary EA Account. When I do this, you will lose the progress, saved data, and stats from your games saved online on EA servers to your old EA Account. This includes:

any content you’ve saved to the cloud
any online and multiplayer data, such as Apex Legends stats or FIFA or EA SPORTS FC Ultimate Team content
any purchases you’ve made on the old EA Account we’re moving the games from, including in-game currency and anything you’ve bought using in-game currency
any EA games you’ve downloaded and purchased on Steam or Epic
any content, online and multiplayer data and purchases made in games accessed via an active EA Play subscription on the old EA Account
and potentially any offline saved data on your device.  
I can only move full games (excluding FIFA, EA SPORTS FC, Apex Legends, SWTOR, Third-Party games and games downloaded from the Play List from any active EA Play subscription on the old EA Account), so any Alphas, Betas, or Demos will be lost, and not moved to your new primary EA Account.

[If they have The Sims 3 content on their account: If you play The Sims 3 and have purchased Worlds for your game, the Worlds and any game saves you have with Worlds will be inaccessible. That means you will not be able to play any of your game saves and would need to create new ones without Worlds to play your game.]

Once we merge your accounts into the primary EA Account and all of your content is in one place, all of your old accounts will be deactivated.

Now that you know what will happen when we combine accounts, do you understand these risks and agree to an account merger?

Awaiting response.

Should you need any further assistance you can reach out to us any time or you can also contact us through our live chat channel and select the option as live chat.

Thank you for contacting EA Help!  
Have a great day.


<Me, again a full day later>  
Just checking in. I said yes.

<CS Binod>  
Thank you for contacting us back at EA. This is Binod following up on your case.

Thanks for the confirmation. I would request you to please read the below conditions and recommendations of merging accounts relevant to your accounts and confirm if you want to proceed.

We can only transfer all Origin/the EA app PC games that are in the account. We can’t transfer only one or a few games.  
We do not transfer duplicate games in order to preserve their accounts and games integrity.

We can’t transfer EA Play Memberships / Third-Party Games.

We can’t transfer SWTOR because a player’s SWTOR account is connected to the EA Account. If we remove the SWTOR game from the original EA Account, game data will be lost, and the game will be unplayable.

We do not transfer Apex Legends or the latest version of EA SPORTS FC in order to preserve accounts and games integrity. We recommend that the EA Account which has SWTOR, Apex Legends, any Third-Party games, the latest released version of EA SPORTS FC and/or an active EA Play membership to be the primary. However, if the player decides otherwise, they will lose all this content.

We can unlink the same platform account ID per EA Account every 6 months. If the platform account ID has already been unlinked in the past 6 months, the player will lose access to it once the old EA Account is deactivated.

I’ll look forward to your reply and appreciate for your patience and understanding on this matter.

You can check the status of your case from My Cases on EA Help.

If you need more information, check out these resources:

For game-specific help: Go to the EA Help home page, choose the game or product you need help with, and click See all help topics Visit Answers HQ to get help from other players in the community.  
Follow http://eahelp/ for everything from outage info to game news.  
Subscribe to EA Help on

Thanks again for contacting EA help.

Yes. I want to proceed.

<CS Nishita>  
Thank you for reaching out to EA help!  
My name is Nishita and I will be assisting you today.  
I would like to thank you for taking your time to share your concern with us.

I understand that your concern is regarding Merging account. Please be rest assured we will do our best to help you with your concern.

Thank you for your response.

To share any information or make any changes to your account I would need to do the owner verification, for that, I have sent a verification email, please check. The email has the subject line “Verify ownership of your EA Account” and you may have received it in your inbox or spam inbox.
I have shared you 6 digit code on your email please share the same here.

I will look forward to your reply and appreciate for your patience and understanding on this matter.

Should you need any further assistance you can reach out to us any time or you can also contact us through our live chat channel and select the option as live chat.  
Thank you for contacting EA Help. Have a great day!

Verification code: redacted

We did this before.

<CS Raja>  
Thanks for reaching out.

Thank you for providing the code.

I would like to inform you that we won’t be able to merge the account however, we can transfer your content to the new account.

Let me know if you would like to proceed.

We will be waiting for your response.

You can check the status of your case from My Cases on EA Help.

If you need more information, check out these resources:

For game-specific help: Go to the EA Help home page, choose the game or product you need help with, and click See all help topics.  
Visit Answers HQ to get help from other players in the community.  
Follow @EAHelp for everything from outage info to game news.  
Subscribe to EA Help on Youtube for video walkthroughs and guides.

Thanks for contacting us and have a great day!

I just want the contents of redacted (redacted) transferred to my current account: redacted (redacted).

<CS Himanshi>  
Hello Player,

Thank you for contacting EA help. My name is Himanshi and I will assist you with your issue today.

I hope this email finds you in a great mood and health. Upon reviewing your case, I’ve gathered that you have contacted us regarding Merging accounts.. Please do not worry, I will surely try help you regarding your concern.

I am afraid but the code you have shared is expired. Please be informed that I have shared another 6-digit verification code on your registered email address.

In case you have any query, you can visit find answers to common questions on our Help Center at, or ask our community experts by visiting Answer HQ at Please do not hesitate to let us know if if you need any further assistance. You can reach us on

Thank you once again for contacting EA!
Have a great day and stay safe!

Kind Regards,

And another verification: redacted

Don’t y’all communicate with each other?

<CS Richa>  

How are you doing today? Thank you for contacting EA Help. My name is Richa. I’ll be your EA Help specialist today.

After reviewing your email, I learned that you want to merge the accounts.

Thank you for the code. Please do not worry. I certainly understand your concern. I will try my best to assist you with fixing this concern and I also apologize for the inconvenience caused.

I would like to inform you old EA games might not transfer correctly due to being sunset and that if they are not transferred they will lose access to them once the account is deactivated. Does you want to proceed?

We will look forward to your reply and appreciate patience and understanding on this matter.

Should you have any further questions regarding this or any other issues, please do not hesitate to let us know.

You can also find answers to common questions on our Help Center at” or ask our community experts

By visiting Answer HQ at“.

Follow EA support on Twitter for more news and information.

Subscribe to EA Help on Youtube for video walkthroughs and guides.

Thank you again for contacting EA help. Be safe, stay healthy and take care of yourself.

Tapped Out is the only game I care about on the old account. You may proceed.

<CS Vinay>  
Thanks for reaching out.

So, as intimated earlier I would again like to reiterate that we won’t be able to merge the account however, we can transfer your content to the new account.

Let me know if you would like to proceed.

We will be waiting for your response.

You can check the status of your case from My Cases on EA Help.

If you need more information, check out these resources:

For game-specific help: Go to the EA Help home page, choose the game or product you need help with, and click See all help topics.  
Visit Answers HQ to get help from other players in the community.  
Follow @EAHelp for everything from outage info to game news.  
Subscribe to EA Help on Youtube for video walkthroughs and guides.

Thanks for contacting us and have a great day!

That’s what I want. Proceed.

<Me again, an hour later>  
Do it, please.

<CS Ritika>  
Hello there! thank you for contacting EA Help. My name is Ritika and I hope you’re doing well. I will assist you with your case today.

I completely understand your concern. Please be assured that I will try my best to assist you with the same.

Please share the email address?

I look forward to your reply:

For any query with EA games, you can always contact us or check our knowledge base at for self-help options and for in-game queries. We will be happy to help you with your concern.

It was a pleasure talking to you today. Thank you for contacting EA Help. Have a great day ahead!

Still need help? You can reach us on .

EA Help

We’ve been over this. There are 23 messages under this ticket number (redacted).

I want the stuff from my old account (redacted (redacted)) transferred to my current account (redacted (redacted))!

I’ve verified ownership of the old account 3 times now and the risks have been explained to me 3 times now. I’m starting to get pissed off.

<Me again, a correction>  
The current account is redacted. I’m all flustered over here.

<CS Suhel>  
Hi There,

Greetings from EA!

Thank you for contacting EA Help. My name is Suhel and I would assist you today with your concern.

I request you to confirm the email address so that we can assist you further.

We sincerely appreciate your time and patience. Looking forward to your reply.

Please feel free to contact us whenever you need our assistance. We will be more than happy to assist you. Still need help? You can reach us on

Thanks & Regards
EA Help

My primary account: redacted (redacted)  
My old account: redacted (redacted)

SOURCE: redacted (redacted)  
DESTINATION: redacted (redacted)

My face right now:  
\*gif of Angry kid in red shirt shaking a bottle while shouting “Angry!!!!!!”\*

<CS Rohit>   
Thanks for contacting EA. My name is Rohit.

I hope you are doing good today! No worries will certainly help you with this.

In order to begin my investigation, Please Confirm the EA Account which will be your primary account

We await your response, please revert back to the same E-mail address.  
You can check the status of your case from My Cases on EA Help.

If you need more information, check out these resources:  
For game-specific help: Go to the EA Help home page, choose the game or product you need help with, and click See all help topics.

Visit Answers HQ to get help from other players in the community.  
Follow @EAHelp for everything from outage info to game news.

Subscribe to EA Help on YouTube for video walkthroughs and guides.  
Thank you for contacting EA.

I already said the primary is redacted.

<CS Sunita>  
Good morning,
Thank you for contacting EA Support! My name is Sunita. I hope this day goes well. I will be helping you today in connection with the report I received. I assure you that I will provide all relevant information on this subject. I understand your frustration. I see that you have been waiting for a long time. I recommend contacting us via live chat.
We do not have any number to share as there will be a dial-in option, otherwise we will be happy to provide it to you. If possible, please contact our live support team to allow us to provide better assistance and resolve this issue without further waiting. Here are the steps to contact our Live Support:  
– Please go to .  
– Please click Contact Us.  
– Please select a product.  
– Please select a platform.  
– Please select a topic and then a problem.  
– Please click the blue button (please select contact option).  
– Please complete the Case Information and click Next.  
– Select chat. I appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter. You can also find answers to frequently asked questions in the Help Center at or ask experts in our community by visiting Answer HQ at Please follow EA Help on Twitter, to receive current information. you again for contacting EA Support. We encourage you to contact us again at if you require further assistance in resolving this issue or if you have any additional questions in the future. We wish you a nice day.  
Best regards,  

I can’t seem to get that to be an option… on *any* problem. Not even email.

<Me after finally getting chat to work>  
I got into chat. The person who answered said it couldn’t be done. Now why would several email support agents tell me they could, then when I when it came time to do it, they ghost me?

<CS Ashish (I swear these can’t be real names)>  
Thank you for contacting us back. My name is Ashish and I would assist you with your issue today.  
I see that you’ve contacted us regarding merging your accounts. I will try my best to help you with the issue.

Thank you for the information. I can understand you frustration as I am also a gamer but no worries I am here to help.

I would like to inform you that we can only transfer the game but the progress will not be transferred.

Shall I proceed?

For any query with EA games, you can always contact us or check our knowledge base at for self-help options and for in-game queries.  
Thanks again for contacting EA Help. It’s my pleasure talking with you and you’ve been great throughout the session. Have a great day ahead!

<Me oops, swype-o>  
Tit all keep asking me that and I keep telling you “yes”. Yes! Yes! Do it!

<CS K… just K… and Sanjeev. There are two names in this one>  
Hello! Thank you for contacting EA.

Hope all is well with you. Please accept my sincere apologies for not being able to resolve your issue in a timely manner due to the large volume of emails we receive these days.

Regarding this issue, I have reviewed your email and cannot determine if this issue has been resolved. Please tell us if you still need help? If no, and your issue has been resolved, please ignore this email.

While your issue is ongoing, please reply to this email with information that further describes the issue and we will be happy to provide you with the assistance you need.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for choosing EA, we look forward to providing you with further assistance.
For game-specific help: Go to the EA Help home page, choose the game or product you need help with, and click See all help topics.  
Visit Answers HQ to get help from other players in the community.  
Follow @EAHelp for everything from outage info to game news.  
Subscribe to EA Help on Youtube for video walkthroughs and guides.

I am looking forward for your reply. If you have any questions, let us know.
Thanks for reaching out to EA Help.
I have tried to fetch the details, but I am sorry as at the moment our tools are experiencing some issues so we are unable to fetch your details. I have noted the details of the case redacted and that you contacted during an outage. we will definitely assist you in this issue.

Thank you for contacting EA. My name is Sanjeev and I will assist you with your issue today.

First, I want to apologize for the time taken to get back to you. Your case was stuck due to some technical issues. Undoubtedly, it is not your fault and we’re sorry to make you feel neglected. Trust me, it was never our intention and all our customers are important for us.

Coming on to the issue, I am unable to understand whether it got resolved or not. If you still need further assistance, then please contact us back.

You can check the status of your case from My Cases on EA Help.

If you need more information, check out these resources:

For game-specific help: Go to the EA Help home page, choose the game or product you need help with, and click See all help topics.
Visit Answers HQ to get help from other players in the community.  
Follow @EAHelp for everything from outage info to game news.  
Subscribe to EA Help on YouTube for video walkthroughs and guides.

Thank you for contacting EA Help, and have a great day.

NO! IT HAS NOT BEEN RESOLVED!! You all keep asking me if I want you to proceed with the merge, yet when I tell you I do want you to proceed, you do nothing… literally nothing! Nothing has been done on this case except your colleagues giving me the runaround—telling me they can do things, then don’t do those things.

<Me again, they literally gave me a case number that’s not even one of mine>  
What is case redacted? It’s not on my list.

<CS Shubham>   
Thanks for reaching out.

As I have checked, there are no games in the account redacted and there is no PC game in the account and we can only merge PC games if there are games in both the accounts, so if you only want to change the emails of the account, then we can do that for you.

You can check the status of your case from My Cases on EA Help.

If you need more information, check out these resources:

For game-specific help: Go to the EA Help home page, choose the game or product you need help with, and click See all help topics.  
Visit Answers HQ to get help from other players in the community.  
Follow @EAHelp for everything from outage info to game news.
Subscribe to EA Help on Youtube for video walkthroughs and guides.

It’s only The Simpsons Tapped Out that I care about. It’s not a PC game, but it definitely exists in redacted.

<CS Viola>

Thank you for contacting EA Support. My name is Viola, I will be your assigned EA Support Expert today. After reviewing your email, I came to know that the concern is regarding Merge of the account. Please be assured I will provide you all the relevant information about the same.

I appreciate for your patience and understanding on this matter.

We would like to inform you that we are not able to find the The Simpsons Tapped Out in the EA Account with the email: ‘redacted

Can you re-confirm to us as well is this the same account that you are facing an issue with?

I hope you’d find these instructions helpful, but don’t hesitate to contact us further if you need any assistance with EA Products. You can also find answers to common questions on our Help Center at, or ask our community experts by visiting Answer HQ at Follow EA Help on Twitter for more updates.

Thank you again for contacting EA Help! And please feel free to reach out to us again through in case you need further assistance with this issue or any further queries you might have in the future.

Be safe, stay healthy and take care of yourself.

Best wishes,


I can assure you with absolute certainty that there is indeed a Tapped Out game using the email address redacted.

Here’s a video proof of just how certain I am (it’s me logging in with said email address).


<CS Rajiandai>
Thanks for reaching out EA. I hope you are doing well. This is Rajiandai from EA Help following your case regarding merging your accounts.

Don’t worry, we will provide you all the relevant information about the same.

Thanks for your patience.

Upon checking your accounts, it seems that there is no PC game on your redacted account so, we cannot transfer the game means we cannot do the account merge for this account.

As have stated in the disclaimer shared previously which says:  
We can only transfer all Origin/the EA app PC games that are in the account. ⚠️ We can’t transfer only one or a few games.

Because of this reason we won’t be able to do the merge for this account.

Should you have any further questions regarding this or any other issues, please do not hesitate to let us know.

You can check the status of your case from My Cases on EA Help.

If you need more information, check out these resources:

For game-specific help: Go to the EA Help home page, choose the game or product you need help with, and click See all help topics.  
Visit Answers HQ to get help from other players in the community.  
Follow @EAHelp for everything from outage info to game news.  
Subscribe to EA Help on YouTube for video walkthroughs and guides.

Thank you once again for contacting us!

Matchmaking & Publicity

Whether you pick Argent, Inc or Open Air, Inc the pitches are the same and it’s the same people for both, so you might as well do them both at the same time. Here are the pitches you need to make.

Open AirArgent, Inc
1Fun awaits you at Open Air!Fun awaits you at Argent!
2Take to the Air. Open Air.Argent, at your service!
3Open Air. Get your Air on.For a good time, call on Argent!
4I lost 30 pounds with Open Air!Argent. Fun you can rely on.
5Shee yoo at Open Air, yesh?Would you like to hear about Argent Inc.?
1Find your better half!
2I have the perfect person for you!
3The heir to Argent, Inc. needs a fiancee…
4The man of your dreams awaits!
5Do you believe in…destiny?
Location Sub-Location Person Chapter
1 2 3 4 5
Besaid Village Lady on the right near entrance. In Chapter 3, she moves to House (the first tent on the right). 2 2 2 X 2
3 3 3 X 3
Lady walking her dog. 4 4 4 X 4
4 4 4 X 4
Village or Great Hall Boy running around the temple with a little girl. 3 3 3 X 3
House Man in first house on right side. 1 1 1 X 1
Shop Lady in the first tent on the left. Behind counter. 5 5 5 X 5
3 3 3 X 3
Lodge Keepa. He's in the back of the second tent on the left. 1 2 X X X
Village Slope Keepa. He's by the save crystal. In Chapter 3, talk to him first, then watch or skip the cut scene with Beclem, then you can pitch to him. X X 1 X X
Beach Keepa. X X X X 1
Kilika Dock Left side Man talking to lady next to boat. 5 X X X 5
Right side Man in blue vest staring at new Youth League base. 4 X X X 4
Lady next to man on right side. X X 5 X 5
X X 1 X 1
Man next to lady on right side. In Chapter 5 he by the gate to the woods. X X 5 X 5
Man in blue vest on far right side. X X 4 X X
Residential Area Left side Man in green shirt just as you enter. In Chapter 5 he moves to the right side. 4 X X X 4
Left side Man in blue vest walking around. In Chapter 5 hes found under some balloons. 5 X X X 5
Left side, upper level Man at hut where boys are jumping. 5 X X X X
Right side Lady talking with man by bridge stairs. In Chapter 5 she moves to the bridge facing the gate to the woods. 2 X X X 2
3 X X X 3
Man in green shirt facing man in blue shirt in lower left side. X X 4 X X
Man in blue shirt facing man in green shirt in lower left side. X X 5 X X
Man standing outside of hut on upper level in lower left side. X X 5 X X
Lady speaking to a guy in the lower right. X X 2 X X
X X 3 X X
Luca Outskirts Lady sitting on a bench alone. 3 3 X X
2 2 X X
Lady sitting on a bench with a man. 5 5 X X 5
3 3 X X 3
Lady in yellow shirt to the right of the save sphere. X X 3 X 3
X X 2 X 2
Lady in pink shirt to the right of the save sphere. X X 5 X
X X 3 X
Square Boy near the stand. 4 4 X X X
Man in brown seated on bench. 5 5 X X 5
Bridge Man facing north on right side. X X 1 X X
Boy running around waving his arms in the middle. X X 4 X X
Lady in yellow shirt and orange skirt facing north in the middle. X X 4 X X
X X 2
Man in yellow shirt randomly walking across. X X 5 X X
Stadium Entrance Man in green randomly walking. 3 3 3 X X
Boy with blitzball. X X X X 4
Lady sitting on the bench above the counter. 2 2 2 X X
2 2 2 X X
Dock 2 Lady in white walking around the boxes, X X X X 2
X X X X 2
Dock 3 Lady walking to the left. 4 4 X X 4
2 2 X X 2
Man walking at north end. 1 1 X X 1
Dock 5 Man on the left of the two men behind the boxes. X X X X 3
Mi'ihen Highroad * South End Lady in blue dress in front of statue, facing toward road. 1 1 1 X 1
1 1 1 X 1
Lady in white dress in front of statue, facing away from road. 2 2 2 X 2
5 5 5 X 5
Man standing in right side area in north part. 3 3 3 X 3
Central Lady next to sled machine in south. 4 4 4 X 4
2 2 2 X 2
Man in right side area next to hover in north. 2 2 2 X 2
Agency - Front Man at the cliff. 1 1 1 X 1
Agency Lady seated on left. In Chapter 2 make sure you get her and her friend last. 4 4 4 X 4
2 2 2 X 2
Man seated on right. I Chapter 2 make sure you get him and his friend last. 1 1 1 X 1
Newroad North Lady standing on the bridge. In Chapter 5 she moves to the north end. 4 4 4 X 4
1 1 1 X 1
North End Boy standing near gate to Mushroom Rock. In Chapter 3 make sure you get him while you're doing Machina Mayem. He's also the only one you can get before you complete that mission. 5 5 5 X 5
Oldroad North Man in purple shirt. 2 2 2 X 2
Oldroad South Lady standing to the left of a machina. 4 4 4 X 4
1 1 1 X 1
Man on right/top at dead end. 1 1 1 X 1
Man on left/bottom at dead end. 3 3 3 X 3
Djose Temple Djose Temple Lady standing beside save sphere. 3 3 X X 3
4 4 X X 4
Lady in bikini outside hut. 1 1 X X 1
5 5 X X 5
Man on the left in green talking with old guy. 2 2 X X 2
Pilgrimage Road Lady in red walking around. 3 3 X X 3
5 5 X X 5
Man in green shirt facing left. 5 5 X X 5
Man in orange shirt with green sleeves. 1 1 X X 1
Man in yellow shirt. 4 4 X X 4
Lady in purple facing left. 3 3 X X 3
5 5 X X 5
Moonflow South Bank Road Lady standing at south end. 3 X 3 3 3
1 X 1 1 1
South Wharf Girl walking around near the save sphere. 5 5 5 5 5
2 2 2 2 2
Boy beside stairs at shoopuf. 5 5 5 5 5
North Wharf Lady south of shoopuf. 5 5 5 5 5
4 4 4 4 4
North Bank Road Lady at north end. 1 1 1 1 1
5 5 5 5 5
Guadosalam Guadosalam Boy just to the right of the save sphere. In Chapter 5 he moves to outside the house on the right. 1 X 1 X 1
Hypello outside house on the far right. 3 X X X X
Data Dealer Man at the counter. 2 X 2 X 2
Tobli Productions Hypello inside house on the far right. X X 3 X 3
Shop Man browsing. 4 X 4 X 4
Man behind the counter. 2 X 2 X 2
Macalania Woods South Guado to the right of the save sphere. 1 1 1 X X
Campsite Guado on the right. 4 4 4 X X
* In Chapter 3, with the exception of the boy by the exit, you can't pitch to anybody until after you do Machina Mayem.



Anything below level 30, you’re gonna die anyway, so they’re not listed; although, 30-40 is a bit iffy in that regard. “X” means it will effect that character at that level. Gear with the appropriate immunity does work against his status effects, so if all your characters are level 99 and you have a Black Belt equipped to all of them, you have nothing to worry about, but the higher in level you are, the less you have to worry about any of them.

LevelLv.2 SleepLv.3 DisableLv.4 BreakLv.5 ReversePrime Lv. Death

In chapter 5 a 100 level deep dungeon called Via Infinito becomes available. In said dungeon you are presented with challenges in that each level is one of 15 random floors. The deeper you go, the tougher the fiends and the Charm Bangle has no effect.

I recorded the solution to each level and here they are in no particular order.

  • Go to your album and select the desired screenshot, then press A or touch “Sharing and Editing”.
    • From this screen you can either select “Post” and send it/them to Facebook or Twitter and download them from there or select “Send to Smartphone”. For best results, choose the latter.
  • From the following, you can choose to either send one or more than one (more than one is not an option for videos).
  • Either way, the next screen will assist in connecting to the Switch’s ad-hoc Wi-Fi hotspot.
    • Scan the QR code and connect to the hotspot.
  • If you can’t scan QR codes, press the “+” button or touch “Trouble connecting?” for the hotspot info and connect to it yourself. The password is random, but the SSID will always be the same.
    • Your device does not have to be a phone. It can be anything with Wi-Fi and the ability to download images and videos, even a laptop or PC.
  • Once you connect, the screen will change. Scan the new QR code. This one opens your web browser to the Switch’s web interface.
    • Note: your device will not have internet access, so if it asks you if you want to stay connected to this Wi-Fi, click yes.
  • If you can’t scan the QR code, press the “+” button or touch “Trouble connecting?”. This will tell you where to point your browser to. It’ll probably be “” like in my screenshot below.
  • The page contains linked thumbnails of your selected screenshots. Just download them.
  • Go back to your Switch and press the Home or B button or touch “Back” or “End” to disconnect. Your device will switch back to the previous connection. If not, you know what to do.
  • Ironically, I had to take the above screenshots with my phone because the Switch won’t allow you to screenshot system menus.

The Last of Us may be the best video game series to date. 10/10. Here are some insights into the game. If you’re looking for tips on getting all the collectibles and other stuff, you’ve come to the wrong place.

Note: The title of TLoU on the PS3 and PS4 does not contain “Part I”, it was added for the PS5 and PC versions and the PS4 version contains “Remastered”. For simplicity, I will just call it “The Last of Us”.


The Last of Us

  • When acquiring trophies for collectibles (artifacts, training manuals, shiv doors, comics, crafted items, Firefly pendants, jokes, and conversations), you don’t need to get them all in one run. I would recommend it, though, if you don’t know which ones you’re missing. The Chapters menu on the main menu does, however, show how many you have collected per chapter, so you can easily tell if you need to repeat a chapter.
  • If you’re hunting for collectibles by going through the Chapters menu, I would recommend doing them in reverse order because if you go back to a previous chapter, you can no longer access the subsequent ones.
  • When you’re hanging upside down in the warehouse in Bill’s town, you have unlimited ammo, but you can’t change weapons.
  • I’m Bill’s Town when you’re push-starting the truck after you push it out of the garage, if you’re low on ammo, you can basically summon infected to loot. Don’t push the truck. Instead walk away until Bill leaves the truck. An infected will come out and attack Ellie. Then just run back and melee fight it. Then repeat if needed. And there are bricks that re-spawn to assist you if you want.
  • If you equip a brick or bottle, it becomes your melee weapon. Unfortunately, it’s a one-hit wonder, but it does do significant damage.

Left Behind

  • Like Part I, you don’t need to get all the conversations on one play through.
  • There’s no trophy for picking up all the artifacts.
  • Takes place in Winter in Boulder, CO, right after Joel gets impaled by rebar and right before you chase down the deer and meet David for the first time (as Ellie) and the flashbacks are three weeks prior to Summer in Boston, MA, when Ellie and Rylie get bitten.
  • The gas for the empty generator in the loading dock is always in the same truck, the one on the other side of the first truck you see when you are by the generator looking toward the vehicles. It has an external tank.
  • You don’t have to win either the window breaking game or the water-gun fight (except to get the trophies), but you do have to do them both.
  • You don’t have to go to Winston’s tent nor the photo booth (except to get the conversion trophies and insight into Winston’s, Rylie’s, Ellie’s characters).

The Last of Us: Part II

  • General    
    • There’s no trophy for conversations, so you don’t really need to talk to anybody (pressing Triangle when prompted) save for the ones that are forced (Maria before the snowball fight, the person waiting in line in the mess hall, Nora at the FOB, the guy standing guard at the apartments in the FOB, the guy sitting by the elevator in the FOB apartments, to get Yara to throw the dog toy after her amputation, Dina at the sink in the farmhouse).
    • The “Skip Puzzle” option allows you to skip guitar playing, dumpster pushing, and rope swinging. Thank God for that (I hate rope swinging).
    • As with Part I and LB, you don’t need to get all the collectibles (safes, artifacts, journal entries, work benches, trading cards, and coins) in one run for the corresponding trophies.
    • You can’t manually save with Permadeath active, but if you have a PD auto-save and you want to play a regular game, don’t worry, your auto-save will be backed up first, so you won’t lose it when your regular game auto-saves.
    • In fact, anytime you start a new game or even start a game using the Chapters menu, your auto-save gets backed up to the next available slot.
    • The Encounters menu only has the encounters you’ve seen in your current auto-save.
    • Same with the Chapters menu.
    • There’s nothing to gain from doing encounters from the Encounters menu. Except practice, I guess.
    • You can’t use cheats on Grounded mode nor with PD active.
    • If you have the option to shoot or melee, you can break almost any glass.
    • Pressing L3 shows you where to go (if the option is enabled), but it sometimes leads you to places that aren’t required to go (mostly in downtown Seattle with Ellie and Dina) and if you press it quickly enough, it’ll just lead you in circles.
    • There are only a few places you are required to kill all the enemies (other than forced). Everywhere else, you can grab-crawl your way through (with unlimited “invisible while prone” and “reduced enemy perception” active) or run if you have “reduced enemy accuracy” enabled or kill just enough and be out of range/eyesight of the rest or get to the next checkpoint.
      • In the area right after your first encounter with an infected (the one you have to throw a bottle at) with Ellie and Dina.
      • In the area right after Dina gives you the molotov (where you have to toss a cable over the ductwork) with Ellie and Dina.
      • The bloater in the arcade with Ellie.
      • The parking garage of the courthouse with Ellie and Dina.
      • Sniping infected with Ellie and Tommy.
      • The bloater in the hotel with Ellie and Joel.
      • In the lobby of the same hotel with Ellie and Joel.
      • In the warehouse with Abby, Manny, Mel, and Alice.
      • During your first encounter with Lev and Yara after the Saraphites ambush you. Right after Lev cuts down Abby. I guess technically you aren’t killing them all, but you do kill all the ones you see before someone says “that’s all of them”, then run away while your UI lights up with warnings from all directions. With Abby, Lev, and Yara.
      • In the area where Lev gets ambushed, shot, and outed (Abby is so clueless). Despite “allies don’t get grabbed” being enabled, Lev still gets grabbed when you try to go up the ladder on the other end. With Abby and Lev.
      • The rat king in the hospital with Abby.
    • Places where you might think you have to kill everything, but you don’t:
      • The loading dock with Abby, Joel, and Tommy. Technically, you can just run around until Tommy gets the gondola over to the window, but only if “allies don’t get grabbed” is enabled. Though, you may have to kill a few.
      • The shootout at the gas station. Technically, you can just run around dodging bullets until backup arrives. You do have to kill a few. As Abby, Manny, Mel, and Alice.
      • The area where Lev and Yara help Abby escape after going through the auto shop garage. Technically, you can just run around until Lev and Yara bust through the ambulance that crashed through the wall. You do have to kill a few of them, though. With Abby, Lev, and Yara.
      • The shop where you have no choice but to break the glass and alert all the infected inside to get through. It’s your first encounter after leaving Yara at the aquarium to go get supplies from the hospital. You can just break the glass and haul ass to the other end and climb through the wall. With Abby and Lev.
      • The parking garage with Tommy shooting at you. You can get to the other end, without killing them all, but you’ll have to kill some, though. With Abby and Manny.
    • The places where you are riding in a vehicle, you have unlimited ammo, but you can’t change weapons.
  • Jackson
    • Prologue
      • You don’t need to win the snowball fight.
  • Seattle Day 1 (Ellie)
    • The Gate
      • If you don’t pick up the Map of Seattle artifact from the trailer, it’ll be a forced pick up when you try to pick up the Checkpoint Gate Codes artifact (don’t worry, it’s in the other drawer) and if you don’t pick that one up, you can’t enter the code on the Main console even if you know it (it’ll just fail after the third digit).
    • Downtown
      • You are only required to go to two places: the dome and the courthouse, but you have to do them both because the first one, regardless of which you do first, will have no gas.
      • As soon as you enter the dome, “Skip Puzzle” becomes available and allows you to skip the entire area right up to the exit including getting (or not getting) the gas. You do, however, miss some chatter about the Torah Scroll, insight into Dina’s Jewish heritage, and Ellie’s confusion about the year on the calendar.
  • Seattle Day 2 (Ellie)
    • Finding Strings
      • The bloater in the hotel will grab Ellie after you’ve shot him enough times. There’s no avoiding it.
    • Flooded City
      • It’s easier to swim underwater when going to the aquarium after your boat sinks, that way you won’t get hammered by waves.
  • Seattle Day 1 (Abby)
    • The Stadium
      • In the mess hall, you only need to talk to the guy waiting in the food line.
      • You don’t need to compete with Manny in the shooting range.
    • The Aquarium
      • You have to go into the cabin of the boat and pick up the kid’s clothes on the bed, but that’s all you have to do.
      • Once you get into the big room with the whale hanging from the ceiling, you can just head right up the stairs.
    • Hostile Territory
      • After offering ways with Manny and after getting ambushed by an infected, you come to an area with stores on either side. You don’t have to go into any of them unless you need artifacts.
    • Winter Visit
      • There’s no way to avoid the shooting gallery, but you don’t have to get the high score or even shoot anything. If you don’t shoot anything, Owen gets cheeky and Abby says she “didn’t have anything to prove”.
  • Seattle Day 2 (Abby)
    • The Shortcut
      • There’s no way to avoid falling off the sky bridge, but if you fall too soon, you’ll die.
    • Return to the Aquarium
      • You have to throw the dog toy…twice and you can’t leave the room until you talk to Yara.
  • Permadeath and Cheats
    • The game doesn’t allow you to activate cheats with Permadeath active; forever, there is a workaround.
      • Step 1: Load any save that allows for cheats.
      • Step 2: Activate the cheats you want.
      • Step 3: Without exiting to the title screen, load up your Permadeath save.
      • Step 4: Enjoy your cheats.
      • Caveats: You can’t change them without repeating all of the above steps and it doesn’t work if the difficulty is set to Grounded.

The Last of Us is a video game created by Neil Druckmann in 2013 about a pandemic involving a fungus called cordyceps which infect humans and cause them to become violent, cannibalistic monsters. In which one man is tasked with escorting a young girl across the county in order to save the world. It’s a coming-of-age buddy-buddy story. 10/10 stars.

This game was adapted for TV in early 2023. It’s on HBO. They have released three episodes thus far. The latest being January 23, 2023.

Some Notable Differences Between the Game and the Series:


  • Game:
    • Austin, Texas:
      • The infected neighbor is a younger male.
      • The infected neighbor kills the dog.
      • The escape from Texas happens in the middle of the night.
    • Boston, Massachusetts:
      • Joel doesn’t give two shits about Tommy’s whereabouts and Joel isn’t looking to get out of town to find him.
      • Joel and Tess go after Robert because he took the guns they bought from him and sold them to the Fireflies instead.
      • Tess kills Robert.
      • Joel, Tess, and Ellie get ambushed by guards (plural). Where we find out she has the fungus.
      • Joel and Tess agree to take Ellie to the capital in exchange for “double the merchandise” Robert sold them.
      • Uninfected attack them at the capital while Tess gets into a shootout with them to buy time for Joel and Ellie to escape.
    • Lincoln, Massachusetts:
      • The arcade game they find is called “The Turning”.
      • There are plenty of infected.
      • Bill lives in a church transept.
      • Bill and Frank had a falling out and Frank stole his truck battery so he could get away from Bill. Then Frank got infected and hung himself.
      • Bill helps Joel and Ellie get a car so they can leave Massachusetts. He is alive and well when they leave.
      • Joel doesn’t know who Frank is until they find him hanging from a light fixture and Bill tells them about him.
      • There’s no way in hell Bill would have let Joel have all his stuff.
      • Ellie steals a nudie magazine from Bill’s bunker.
    • Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
      • The ambush happens in Pittsburgh, PA.
      • Ellie kills a guy to save Joel.
      • Joel gets angry with Ellie for shooting the guy.
      • Joel gives Ellie a crash course in shooting a rifle.
      • Joel finds Henry and Sam by accident.
      • The leader of the hunters is a man named David.
      • Sam is not deaf.
      • Sam and Henry didn’t have help. At least not that we saw in the game.
      • Their escape happens at night via the surface.
      • Sam hides getting infected from everyone.
      • Henry kills him them himself.
      • The sniper encounter in the cul-de-sac happens in broad daylight.
    • Jackson, Wyoming
      • Tommy and Maria are fixing the dam which gets invaded.
      • Joel doesn’t complain to Tommy about being weak.
      • Ellie steals a horse and takes off when she finds out Joel is going to leave her.
      • Joel decides on his own after a long ride back to Jackson to not leave Ellie with Tommy.
      • Ellie quotes Rylie.
      • Joel took the horse with permission.
      • Ellie named it Callus.
    • Bolder, Colorado
      • A recording on a recording device tells them where they went.
      • Joel gets impaled by rebar.
    • Boston, Massachusetts and Boulder, Colorado
      • Rylie wakes up Ellie by pretending to be an infected.
      • The girls don’t drink any booze until they get to Winston’s tent in the mall.
      • Bounces between Boston in the past and Boulder in the present.
      • The carousel breaks down when Rylie gets on.
      • Ellie is mad at Rylie.
      • Vacation plans discussed.
      • The photo booth printer is broken
      • Nothing in the arcade works and Rylie describes playing The Turning while Ellie imagines it.
      • Brick Fucking Master.
      • Water gun fight.
      • Ellie knows who Marlene is.
      • The kiss happens in the department store after the Halloween store.
      • Ellie has Rylie’s mix tape in her Walkman.
      • They get bitten after a lengthy run from a horde of runners.
      • Ellie hunts with a bow.
      • Big shootout with infected.
      • She hunts a rabbit first.
      • Ellie is awakened by David’s party.
      • Ellie tries to sneak away.
      • Ellie makes it to a resort before getting caught.
      • Joel wakes up on his own. No raider.
      • Ellie and David aren’t alone in the cage room.
      • Joel interrupts Ellie while she’s wailing on David.
    • Salt Lake City, Utah
      • Joel rescues Ellie from nearly drowning and gets caught while Joel is giving her mouth-to-mouth.
      • Joel finds out when Ellie is before going up to get her.
    • Overall:
      • Starts in 2013.
      • The main story takes place in 2033.
      • No tendrils.
      • No hive mind.
      • Joel just has hand guns until he gets a regular, non-assault rifle in the Boston capital building. He doesn’t get an assault rifle until the hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah at the end of the game.
      • Ellie doesn’t get a gun until Joel gives her one after their run-in with some hunters in a hotel in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.
      • Joel never laughed at any of Ellie’s jokes.
      • They meet the first bloater in Bill’s Town.


  • Series:
    • Austin, Texas:
      • The infected neighbor is an old lady.
      • The dog doesn’t get killed.
      • The escape from Texas happens in the afternoon.
    • Boson, Massachusetts:
      • Joel is worried about Tommy because he hasn’t checked-in in a while.
      • Robert gets killed because he tried to sell a bad battery to the wrong people.
      • Joel and Marlene both want the battery so they can get out of Boston. Joel to find Tommy and Marlene to get Ellie out.
      • Marlene promises Joel a battery in exchange for smuggling Ellie out of the QZ.
      • Joel, Tess, and Ellie get caught by one guard. Where we find out she has the fungus.
      • Infected overrun the capital while Tess dumps gasoline all over the floor in order to blow them and the capital to smithereens allowing Joel and Ellie to escape.
    • Lincoln, Massachusetts:
      • The arcade game they find is called “Mortal Kombat”.
      • Bill and Frank live in a house.
      • There are no infected.
      • Frank has cancer.
      • Bill and Frank remain lovers until they both commit suicide together some time before Joel and Ellie get there.
      • Joel and Tess are friends with both Bill and Frank.
      • Bill essentially leaves Joel all his stuff.
      • Ellie finds a nudie magazine under the seat of the truck.
    • Kansas City, Missouri
      • The ambush happens in KC, MO.
      • Ellie wounds a guy to save Joel. Joel kills him.
      • Joel apologizes to Ellie for putting her in that position then shows her how to use the gun.
      • Henry and Sam find Joel and Ellie.
      • The leader of the hunters is a lady named Kathleen.
      • Sam is deaf.
      • Sam and Henry have a collaborator.
      • Their escape happens at night, but via tunnels.
      • The sniper encounter in the cul-de-sac happens at night.
      • Sam tells Ellie he’s infected and she tries to cure him by smearing her blood all over his bite. It doesn’t work.
    • Jackson, Wyoming
      • The dam is fine and there’s no invasion.
      • Joel complains to Tommy about nightmares and general weakness.
      • Ellie doesn’t take off.
      • Ellie doesn’t mention Rylie.
      • Joel was going to steal the horse.
      • No name is given to the horse, but I’m 100% sure it was not Shimmer.
      • Joel gives Ellie a choice whether she wants to go with him or Tommy.
      • Joel teaches Ellie how to shoot a rifle.
    • Bolder, Colorado
      • They discover on a map where they all went.
      • Joel gets stabbed.
    • Boston, Massachusetts
      • Rylie just pretends to try to kidnap Ellie.
      • The girls get the booze early, long before getting to the mall.
      • They drink more booze on the carousel.
      • Ellie is happy to see Rylie.
      • No mention of their vacation plans.
      • The printer works on the photo booth.
      • The arcade is fully functional and they play Mortal Kombat II.
      • Rylie doesn’t like what Ellie has in her Walkman.
      • No Brick Master.
      • No water gun fight.
      • Ellie doesn’t know Marlene.
      • They get bitten in the Halloween store after a fight with just one infected.
      • Ellie hunts with a rifle.
      • No shootout with a horde of infected.
      • No rabbit.
      • Ellie goes outside and spots David’s party.
      • Ellie makes them chase after her.
      • Ellie gets caught right away.
      • Joel gets woken up by one of the raiders.
      • Ellie and David are alone in the cage room.
      • Joel finds Ellie after she escapes from the restaurant.
    • Salt Lake City, Utah
      • Joel and Ellie get ambushed by the Fireflies.
      • Joel figures out where Ellie is on his own.
    • Overall:
      • Starts in 2003. Not counting the TV talk show clip from the 1960s foreshadowing the cordyceps.
      • The main story takes place in 2023.
      • Joel has an assault rifle. At least until he stashes it in a gas station.
      • Ellie has a gun. She took it from Bill’s house.
      • Joel laughs at and even spoils some of Ellie’s jokes.
      • They meet the first bloater in Kansas City.