Last Updated on Jul 3, 2023

The Last of Us may be the best video game series to date. 10/10. Here are some insights into the game. If you’re looking for tips on getting all the collectibles and other stuff, you’ve come to the wrong place.
Note: The title of TLoU on the PS3 and PS4 does not contain “Part I”, it was added for the PS5 and PC versions and the PS4 version contains “Remastered”. For simplicity, I will just call it “The Last of Us”.
The Last of Us
- When acquiring trophies for collectibles (artifacts, training manuals, shiv doors, comics, crafted items, Firefly pendants, jokes, and conversations), you don’t need to get them all in one run. I would recommend it, though, if you don’t know which ones you’re missing. The Chapters menu on the main menu does, however, show how many you have collected per chapter, so you can easily tell if you need to repeat a chapter.
- If you’re hunting for collectibles by going through the Chapters menu, I would recommend doing them in reverse order because if you go back to a previous chapter, you can no longer access the subsequent ones.
- When you’re hanging upside down in the warehouse in Bill’s town, you have unlimited ammo, but you can’t change weapons.
- I’m Bill’s Town when you’re push-starting the truck after you push it out of the garage, if you’re low on ammo, you can basically summon infected to loot. Don’t push the truck. Instead walk away until Bill leaves the truck. An infected will come out and attack Ellie. Then just run back and melee fight it. Then repeat if needed. And there are bricks that re-spawn to assist you if you want.
- If you equip a brick or bottle, it becomes your melee weapon. Unfortunately, it’s a one-hit wonder, but it does do significant damage.
Left Behind
- Like Part I, you don’t need to get all the conversations on one play through.
- There’s no trophy for picking up all the artifacts.
- Takes place in Winter in Boulder, CO, right after Joel gets impaled by rebar and right before you chase down the deer and meet David for the first time (as Ellie) and the flashbacks are three weeks prior to Summer in Boston, MA, when Ellie and Rylie get bitten.
- The gas for the empty generator in the loading dock is always in the same truck, the one on the other side of the first truck you see when you are by the generator looking toward the vehicles. It has an external tank.
- You don’t have to win either the window breaking game or the water-gun fight (except to get the trophies), but you do have to do them both.
- You don’t have to go to Winston’s tent nor the photo booth (except to get the conversion trophies and insight into Winston’s, Rylie’s, Ellie’s characters).
The Last of Us: Part II
- General
- There’s no trophy for conversations, so you don’t really need to talk to anybody (pressing Triangle when prompted) save for the ones that are forced (Maria before the snowball fight, the person waiting in line in the mess hall, Nora at the FOB, the guy standing guard at the apartments in the FOB, the guy sitting by the elevator in the FOB apartments, to get Yara to throw the dog toy after her amputation, Dina at the sink in the farmhouse).
- The “Skip Puzzle” option allows you to skip guitar playing, dumpster pushing, and rope swinging. Thank God for that (I hate rope swinging).
- As with Part I and LB, you don’t need to get all the collectibles (safes, artifacts, journal entries, work benches, trading cards, and coins) in one run for the corresponding trophies.
- You can’t manually save with Permadeath active, but if you have a PD auto-save and you want to play a regular game, don’t worry, your auto-save will be backed up first, so you won’t lose it when your regular game auto-saves.
- In fact, anytime you start a new game or even start a game using the Chapters menu, your auto-save gets backed up to the next available slot.
- The Encounters menu only has the encounters you’ve seen in your current auto-save.
- Same with the Chapters menu.
- There’s nothing to gain from doing encounters from the Encounters menu. Except practice, I guess.
- You can’t use cheats on Grounded mode nor with PD active.
- If you have the option to shoot or melee, you can break almost any glass.
- Pressing L3 shows you where to go (if the option is enabled), but it sometimes leads you to places that aren’t required to go (mostly in downtown Seattle with Ellie and Dina) and if you press it quickly enough, it’ll just lead you in circles.
- There are only a few places you are required to kill all the enemies (other than forced). Everywhere else, you can grab-crawl your way through (with unlimited “invisible while prone” and “reduced enemy perception” active) or run if you have “reduced enemy accuracy” enabled or kill just enough and be out of range/eyesight of the rest or get to the next checkpoint.
- In the area right after your first encounter with an infected (the one you have to throw a bottle at) with Ellie and Dina.
- In the area right after Dina gives you the molotov (where you have to toss a cable over the ductwork) with Ellie and Dina.
- The bloater in the arcade with Ellie.
- The parking garage of the courthouse with Ellie and Dina.
- Sniping infected with Ellie and Tommy.
- The bloater in the hotel with Ellie and Joel.
- In the lobby of the same hotel with Ellie and Joel.
- In the warehouse with Abby, Manny, Mel, and Alice.
- During your first encounter with Lev and Yara after the Saraphites ambush you. Right after Lev cuts down Abby. I guess technically you aren’t killing them all, but you do kill all the ones you see before someone says “that’s all of them”, then run away while your UI lights up with warnings from all directions. With Abby, Lev, and Yara.
- In the area where Lev gets ambushed, shot, and outed (Abby is so clueless). Despite “allies don’t get grabbed” being enabled, Lev still gets grabbed when you try to go up the ladder on the other end. With Abby and Lev.
- The rat king in the hospital with Abby.
- Places where you might think you have to kill everything, but you don’t:
- The loading dock with Abby, Joel, and Tommy. Technically, you can just run around until Tommy gets the gondola over to the window, but only if “allies don’t get grabbed” is enabled. Though, you may have to kill a few.
- The shootout at the gas station. Technically, you can just run around dodging bullets until backup arrives. You do have to kill a few. As Abby, Manny, Mel, and Alice.
- The area where Lev and Yara help Abby escape after going through the auto shop garage. Technically, you can just run around until Lev and Yara bust through the ambulance that crashed through the wall. You do have to kill a few of them, though. With Abby, Lev, and Yara.
- The shop where you have no choice but to break the glass and alert all the infected inside to get through. It’s your first encounter after leaving Yara at the aquarium to go get supplies from the hospital. You can just break the glass and haul ass to the other end and climb through the wall. With Abby and Lev.
- The parking garage with Tommy shooting at you. You can get to the other end, without killing them all, but you’ll have to kill some, though. With Abby and Manny.
- The places where you are riding in a vehicle, you have unlimited ammo, but you can’t change weapons.
- Jackson
- Prologue
- You don’t need to win the snowball fight.
- Prologue
- Seattle Day 1 (Ellie)
- The Gate
- If you don’t pick up the Map of Seattle artifact from the trailer, it’ll be a forced pick up when you try to pick up the Checkpoint Gate Codes artifact (don’t worry, it’s in the other drawer) and if you don’t pick that one up, you can’t enter the code on the Main console even if you know it (it’ll just fail after the third digit).
- Downtown
- You are only required to go to two places: the dome and the courthouse, but you have to do them both because the first one, regardless of which you do first, will have no gas.
- As soon as you enter the dome, “Skip Puzzle” becomes available and allows you to skip the entire area right up to the exit including getting (or not getting) the gas. You do, however, miss some chatter about the Torah Scroll, insight into Dina’s Jewish heritage, and Ellie’s confusion about the year on the calendar.
- The Gate
- Seattle Day 2 (Ellie)
- Finding Strings
- The bloater in the hotel will grab Ellie after you’ve shot him enough times. There’s no avoiding it.
- Flooded City
- It’s easier to swim underwater when going to the aquarium after your boat sinks, that way you won’t get hammered by waves.
- Finding Strings
- Seattle Day 1 (Abby)
- The Stadium
- In the mess hall, you only need to talk to the guy waiting in the food line.
- You don’t need to compete with Manny in the shooting range.
- The Aquarium
- You have to go into the cabin of the boat and pick up the kid’s clothes on the bed, but that’s all you have to do.
- Once you get into the big room with the whale hanging from the ceiling, you can just head right up the stairs.
- Hostile Territory
- After offering ways with Manny and after getting ambushed by an infected, you come to an area with stores on either side. You don’t have to go into any of them unless you need artifacts.
- Winter Visit
- There’s no way to avoid the shooting gallery, but you don’t have to get the high score or even shoot anything. If you don’t shoot anything, Owen gets cheeky and Abby says she “didn’t have anything to prove”.
- The Stadium
- Seattle Day 2 (Abby)
- The Shortcut
- There’s no way to avoid falling off the sky bridge, but if you fall too soon, you’ll die.
- Return to the Aquarium
- You have to throw the dog toy…twice and you can’t leave the room until you talk to Yara.
- The Shortcut
- Permadeath and Cheats
- The game doesn’t allow you to activate cheats with Permadeath active; forever, there is a workaround.
- Step 1: Load any save that allows for cheats.
- Step 2: Activate the cheats you want.
- Step 3: Without exiting to the title screen, load up your Permadeath save.
- Step 4: Enjoy your cheats.
- Caveats: You can’t change them without repeating all of the above steps and it doesn’t work if the difficulty is set to Grounded.
- The game doesn’t allow you to activate cheats with Permadeath active; forever, there is a workaround.